What is lux?
Lux measures the illumination of a surface at a specific distance rather than just the overall volume, which is measured in lumens.
What is the distance used to measure lux?
10 meters
Why is the lux measurement important?
Numbers alone don’t tell the whole story when it comes to lights for cyclists. The best light is the one that emits the most effective beam of light, without blinding cars or other riders coming from the opposite direction. With the Incite lights the focus shifts from a pure numbers game to one of precision.
What is the lumen equivalent of your Incite lights?
Because they are different units of measurement you cannot compare the two and you cannot convert lux to lumens. It is like comparing apples to oranges.
How does the lux value increase per mode – are there more LEDs or is it more power to the existing LEDs?
More Power (higher current) to existing LEDs.
What are the number of LEDs in each of your Incite front and rear lights?
Front lights: X3: 4 LEDs (1 LED for Light Output/3 LEDs for Battery Indication); X6: 7 LEDs (1 LED for Light Output/4 LEDs for Mode Indication/2 LEDs for the Backlight of the Display) X8: 5 LEDs (1 LED for Light Output/2 LEDs for the Buttons/2 LEDs for the Backlight of the Display)
Rear lights: XR: 3 LEDs (1 LED for Light output/1 LED for Batt-low/1 LED for the light guide); XBR: 4 LEDs (1 LED for Light output/1 LED for Batt-low/1 LED for the light guide/1 LED for signal light)
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